Taking good care of yourself after a tooth extraction in Lakeland, FL will help ensure a smooth and easy recovery. One of the ways to do this is to stick to soft foods for the first few days after your surgery.
Avoid eating foods that are too hot and could irritate your surgical site. Instead, keep things at room temperature for the first 48 hours after surgery.
Here are some ideas for soft foods that are easy and comfortable to eat after tooth extraction:
- Scrambled eggs
- Smoothies
- Soup
- Yogurt
- Applesauce
It's also a good idea to avoid drinking through a straw or smoking cigarettes for the first 72 hours after your surgery. Sucking on a straw or cigarette could cause your blood clot to dislodge, sometimes resulting in a painful condition called dry socket that can prolong your healing process.
Talk to Your Dentists in Lakeland, FL for Tooth Extraction Aftercare
If you have questions about tooth extraction in Lakeland FL, concerns after your surgery, or notice problems like excessive bleeding, please contact your team at Quality Dental Care of Lakeland immediately. Our team is here to support you throughout your recovery process, and we can often offer assistance or guidance over the phone.
You can call our Lakeland, FL dentist office at (863) 858-3891, and we'll be happy to answer your questions!